A sneak peek at a trio of the designs from a latest book
I never imagined myself as the author of five books and seven patterns all about doll clothes. Why not, I must ask myself however as I was one of those kids that preferred at times to stay home and create something from scraps of fabric, yarn and cardboard as apposed to running off to a pick up game of baseball like my sister. One of my favorite activities involved cutting up the old Eaton's catalogue. I would only get one after the new issue was received and okay-ed my Mother, but when I did I made good use of it. I carefully cut out people, fashions, furniture, appliances and more from the pages and then glued them to cardboard, creating a complete household filled with family.
My first set of patterns
How did I get started in the doll clothes business you might ask? Well, I was creating and selling designs too DRG, House of White Birches and Annie's Attic and the buyer for the Clotilde catalog asked if I might be interested in designing doll clothes for a doll they were selling in their catalog. I had never done that but thought that it certainly could not be much different that designing, drawing patterns, writing instructions so why not give it a try. Well after years of stuffing patterns into plastic envelopes to fill orders I can say it is possible and I did it.
My first book on doll clothes
The patterns sold quite well and I was on my way to becoming a doll dresser of sorts. Next step was that I was asked if I would be interested in designing clothes for the popular 18 inch doll. Once again after a little research and asking myself why not I jumped in with two feet and a sewing machine. I decided quite quickly that I needed something to make my books a little different. That difference was born through my concept of every outfit must be able to be constructed from a fat quarter of fabric. I wanted to make things as simple as possible and not having to stand in line at the fabric cutting table was the answer.
My latest book
I have written three books using the 18 inch doll as my base and each has done quite well I am proud to report. My latest book however takes me right back to my doll clothes dressing roots as it is for the Lots to Love® dolls where I started. This latest book is not available just yet but will be very soon.
I guess that is the story in a nutshell, it is funny where life takes us.....
Lorine |