The class involved the large daylily you see on the above wallhanging. We used a lot of fusible web and some wonderful batiks which I had brought from home. Participants in the class had the choice of a number of flowers - I chose the daylily as it reminded me of tiger lilies from back home. We used to see them not only in gardens but in the ditches as we travelled along the Trans Canada Highway on the odd vacation we took as children. My father's favourite flower is the tiger lily.
During the class most of us were able to cut out out flowers and place them on the fabrics and few of us quicker ones even managed a few stitches - I believe I got the stamens done. And then class was over and we were take our creations home and finish them with some wonderful instructions given to us by our teacher.
The class was a month or so ago and I of course had done nothing except pile it on top of a number of other projects I have not finished. I however have had a nagging worry about my parents who are aging of course as lets face it what is the alternative, and who are dealing with continual medical problems, could use a 'quilted' hug from their far away daughter.
My hope is that they will hang my creation on their front door and reach out and touch the lily knowing that not too long ago I touched it in exactly the same place.
I am off to mail my hug today - please wish for its speedy delivery.
Sew far sew good,